Interview with Courtney Thorpe and her experience of Elimination Communication (EC)
Click below to see Elimination Communication (EC) in action with Courtney Thorpe and her son Marcus.
A few out of the 73 interviews I did in South East Asia in 2013. All the parents were working parents, some mothers returning after four weeks. The mother usually works nearby (i.e. shop, market, bank, waitress, teacher, receptionist) so she can continue to breastfeed, and the father, mother or grandparent take it in turns to care for the baby.
I first met Wilia (pictured here at one year with her father and grandmother) when she was six weeks old, sleeping on her father's chest, as her mother organised the merchandise in her shop. The grandmother was working in the neighbouring cafe. The father worked in the evening shift as a driver. They all ensured they took work that suited looking after Wilia.
Three generations, Bali, Indonesia.